Reginald Eugene Yarbrough (Reggie)
14 years old
DOB 9/14/83
DOD 7/20/98
On the morning of July 20,1998 shortly after 8:00
a.m., the Madison County Sheriffs Department received a call regarding the victim of
an apparent homicide. A body was found near the cemetery on Bemis Cemetery Road.
victim was identified as Reginald Eugene Yarbrough, age 14, of 123 Carson Street.
Its true the body was found near the Bemis Cemetery; but its believed he had
been killed in another location. The shooter or shooters brought the body to this
location, positioned him on the ground and then shot him again, a message was being sent
Talking to his family, I learned that this Parkway Middle School student had always taken
pride in his appearance. Until the spring of 98 he had been a good student, then
something changed. Reggie started withdrawing. Each weekend when he would go and stay with
his mother, he would ask her for twenty dollars. By Sunday, the money would be gone. He
started hanging around with some of the guys in the gangs, including his cousins. The
Friday before his death, his grandmother said when she got home, her grandson was lying on
the floor. He had spent the afternoon mowing her yard like he did every week. When she
asked him what was wrong, he wouldnt say but she knew something was troubling him.
She took him over to his Moms house, instead of driving off she watched as he walked
up the bank into the house.
following Monday, Mrs. Yarbrough told me she left for a conference. The bus passed by Cane
Creek Road, the road that borders the Bemis Cemetery. As the bus got even with the
Cemetery, a chill came over her. This seemed strange to her since she passed this way
going to work every day. Feelings are sometimes unexplainable but very real.
Some of the individuals I spoke with told me Reggie didnt want to be in a gang. He
was attempting to get away from "his new friends" but it was not to be. Gangs do
not like having members just walk off. They hook them with threats. They are told,
"If you try to leave, we will hurt your family." Another ploy is to make them a
witness to a criminal act and convince them they are guilty just for being there. If the
powers feel this is not working, there is only one thing left. . . Eliminate the problem
and send a message to others.
Someone out there knows who pulled the
trigger and ended this childs life. If you have any information, please call Crime Stoppers at 424-8477 or the Madison
County Sheriffs Department at 423-6009. You can e-mail us at tips@jacksoncrimestoppers.com Help answer
the prayers of the grandmother, mother, father, sisters and many others that loved Reggie
by bringing the murderer to Justice.
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